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Metric Guide for Specifiers

This Guide is identifies common applicable SI units (metric), conversion weights and measures for inch-pound (IP) units, and offers suggestions for their proper format within specifications.

The purpose of this Guide is to identify the applicable SI unit (metric), convert customary weights and measure units referred to as inch-pound (IP) units, and offer suggestions for their proper presentation within specifications.

This Guide also presents weight and measures unit used on drawings and emphasizes the consistency required between drawings and specifications.

The production of specifications (and drawings) using metric units must address:
• consistent use of terms, abbreviations, and notations,
• the need for standardizing on the correct expressions that properly express the IP and the SI notation,
• guidelines for written statements and numeric expressions, and
• for master specifications; a standardized approach to placing software codes into soft copy specification documents for purposes of software manipulation of text including measurement units.